Smartphones and Domes

Researcher, Developer, Project Manager, Asset creator, UI Design and Implementation

Unity, Adobe XD, Premiere Pro, Interaction Design, Game Design, UX, UI, Learning, Play

Sep 21' - Jan 23'
Bachelor Thesis and Startup

In several projects I have worked with domescreens and the format for both interactivity and for visual design. Along with this is the project CUPOLAB.

Here, me and 2 others further developed the project from our Bachelor Project into a startup company.

It was the goal to incorporate interactivity to the big dome theater, proposed as a project by Planetarium. After multiple pretests and research we developed a way to reimagine the users smartphones as interactable laser pointers. This ment every member of the audience could login to our system and join the game and interact with the objects on the screen. This was incorporated into an 20min long storyline of landing on Mars and collecting materials to work together in building a colony.

Our biggest challenge and tests revolved around technical inclusivity, having the game suit a large target group in difficulty and making the interaction with the application as clear as possible.

It was developed in Unity and we created everything from UI, sound and to storyline, gameplay and implementation.

Final design

Before Redesign (not by me)

I was in charge of UI re-design of the phone application, prototyping in Adobe XD and implementation in Unity. I did project management and external communication. And I participated in level and asset design in Maya and Blender, and was in charge of cinematic sequences finalized in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects.